Friday, June 13, 2008

The man in my life

You know that song that goes..."what a man, what a man, what mighty fine man"? Yah, I admit I've always liked that song and naturally I feel it applies to the man in my life. So, without getting too goopy here are some things I love about him.
  • his sense of humor, even if it is a little poopy
  • when he gets really excited about something, like an idea
  • his soft lips
  • he never gets mad when I buy something for myself
  • he has a huge heart and truly cares about things that have never occurred to me
  • he always makes time for me and kids
  • his blue eyes
  • he's a hard worker
  • he puts up with me, which is a lot to ask of anyone
  • he supports me in the things I want to do
  • that he asks my opinion on things, like things going on at his office
  • that he doesn't complain about my lack of cooking

So, there you have it just a few of the things I love about my man.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Yeah! I am so glad you started a blog! Finally, now we can keep in touch better! It really gets addicting... Anyways good luck with RoRo and his tonsils! We really miss you guys! When he gets better lets for sure do something and make it happen this time. I still can't believe you were talking crazy talk today! :)